Everything about Cloud Brushes in Photoshop photoshop

What is a Cloud Brush in Photoshop? The cloud brush in Adobe Photoshop is used for drawing cloud shapes and textures in any colour on a layer in your document using strokes. The cloud...

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Everything About ABR File (What is it and how to open it) photoshop

ABR (.abr) file extension is a file format created for Adobe Photoshop. It contains a collection of custom brushes that can be used by the Brush tool in Adobe Photoshop and it includes shape,...

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What is the difference between .lrtemplate and .xmp files? lightroom photography tutorials photoshop

XMP and LRTemplate are the proprietary file formats (presets) used by both Adobe Lightroom (Classic, CC & Mobile) and Adobe Photoshop (Camera Raw). Both of the files contains...

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